Who? What? Where? When? Why?… These questions raise nightmares for children with Autism. Their brains struggle to process how to respond to each of them with the correct, grammatical, socially appropriate response.
Even more so, parents and caregivers struggle with these questions as well. Questions like
“Who is going to help me? What do I do? Where will my child end up? When will their behavior ever change? Why is this even happening to me?! Ugh!!!”
These questions can be scary to ask and hard to answer!
That is why I want to welcome you to Dei’s Care Consulting, LLC; a behavioral health service that has been developed to both ask and answer those hard questions. I am a clinically licensed Behavior Specialist and Dei’s Care (my private practice) specializes in treating children with neurological disorders and autism.
My name is Dayona Ellis, the owner and founder of Dei’s Care. Although most parents and kiddos I serve call me “Mrs. Day”, what is so unique about Dei’s care is that its name does not refer to my own. Many people are familiar with the Latin phrase the “Imago Dei”. Translated, this phrase means the “Image of God”. Therefore, Dei is the Latin word for God.
I lead, love and help treat every child that walks through the doors of Dei’s Care. But ultimately, they are not in my own care. They are in God’s. And in God’s care, every one of the hard questions are answered.
Every child is treated both clinically and biblically when they come to Dei’s Care.
- By WHO? God.
- By WHAT? God’s Word
- WHERE? in God’s Presence through prayer and clinical expertise.
- WHEN? in God’s timing
- WHY? for their good and for God’s Glory!
If you haven’t noticed by now, this agency is not about me, you or even the children we serve. IT’S ALL ABOUT GOD!
Why not seek God for wisdom and guidance when caring for His children? Afterall, He is their creator and as such, the Bible says He fearfully and wonderfully made them! In context, that means that He took His time and carefully designed every cell and organ in our body to function the way that each does in order to show forth His Glory for His purpose!
So instead of going to God with bitterness, asking “why me”, we can excitingly go to God with “why me” and embrace His response. He will reveal the purpose of your child’s existence, their unique make-up and the grace He has given you/us to manage our children’s behavior. Not only will you be excited to ask the who, what, where, when, why questions but you’ll also develop an excitement to ask the HOW questions, sitting in anticipation as I help you discover in God’s Word how our Creator created your/HIS child, how he strategically wired their brain, how to use their brain makeup to be a functioning and included member of society and (this is the most exciting part) how to get to know their Creator, GOD, for themselves!
Please, if you haven’t done so already, navigate the website and share the content you find with families, communities, schools and churches. Help me to put these very special children into Dei’s Care… not my own!
“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God (Imago Dei) He created him; male and female He created them”
Genesis 1:27