Ever worry about your child’s disability hindering them from having a happy and purposeful life? Ever compare your child to your neighbors? Or perhaps you’ve gone to a school event and wished your child could participate in the same ways that his peers do.

 If you have asked yourself these questions or pondered over them in your heart, please don’t feel guilty or ashamed. These feelings are real and if I am going to be honest here, I too have asked the same questions. 

It wasn’t until I began researching and studying the Bible that I discovered that God uses people with disabilities and dysfunctions. He also DISmisses the lies and misconceptions we sometimes believe about them, and uses them in powerful ways!

If you believe that your child cannot be successful or used for God’s glory, you are believing a lie! DISmiss it now!

We may be raising future presidents, inventors, preachers, musicians or bible scholars! We may be raising a child that God will use to save another person. What if your child’s purpose in life was to smile in such a way that allows another’s heart to soften and their eyes to open to see what a loving God we have…that is great purpose my friend!!!

God made our Children unique for a reason

The truth is our children will get looks, stares and fingers pointed at them. They may be excluded from social events and they are more than likely going to experience stigma as a result of their diagnoses.

But you want to know what else is the truth? God created our children in unique ways for unique purposes. While others may push them away God says “let the little children come to me”. He accepts them just the way they are and wants us to do the same! (Matthew 19:14).

May we as parents’ model for others how to accept our children just the way they are! It is our job to highlight their unique nature and gifts in order to help them use it for God’s Glory.

It’s not until we embrace our children and their disabilities that we begin to see their abilities! So, if you have a child with autism, the next time lies of defeat or discouragement rain on your parade, try implementing some of these tips and watch your child march to the beat of their own drum!

We love to be a source of encouragement to families and caregivers of children with autism. If you would like to chat, please get in contact with us. And if you would like a customized plan for how to best serve your child, schedule a free consultation.

Be encouraged,
